Thursday, September 2, 2010

Friday, June, Meet the Internet...

We are happy to announce that The Ballad of Friday and June is now online- for free. The film has also received some nice write-ups recently from Bad Lit and Film Festival Secrets.

For more news check out or "like" us on Facebook or Vimeo.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love, Lies & Video Files

Here are the first two episodes of Love, Lies & Video Files, the new web-series from Jollyville Pictures (the people who brought you The Ballad of Friday and June). For more info on this series and whatever else we're working on you can visit our website or "like" us on Facebook.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To Oxford and Back...

My friends, can your heart stand the shocking facts of what happened when Tate English, T. Lynn Mikeska, and The Ballad of Friday and June went to the Oxford Film Festival? Well, I hope so. Because here it is, all compiled into one handy-dandy video.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Video update - with the Mayor!

I'm surprised the Mayor was so mean. And wearing a Texas Longhorns hat. But why would he lie? HE'S THE MAYOR.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Concept Art!

While Tate is in Atlanta, I thought I would post some early concept art for the Friday puppet. These were created by Cameron Petri. You can see his website here.

That's all I have to say. More from Tate soon...


In the green room in Atlanta

I'm pretty sure I just need to go in a whole bunch of circles, right?

I am here in Atlanta! Our screening last night went well...I'll be shooting a video update here in a bit, but until then, here's a photo of me being interviewed by the festival for...I don't know. Like, the website or something?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another Short, Another Dog...

The above cartoon was written, directed, and animated by Dano Johnson (Friday in 'The Ballad of Friday and June'). Check it out and see if the dog's voice sounds familiar.

The film is currently competing to win a spot on Sesame Street, so watch it, vote for it, and pass it around!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We're playing the Sonoma International Film Festival, April 15-18th. If you're in the San Francisco area, don't miss the stunning lead T. Lynn Mikeska LIVE IN PERSON at the screenings!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

South by Southwest!

Here's another video blog from SXSW! Hooray!

(Thanks to Michelle Witten and Mark Potts.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time Filler

There probably won't be much on this site between festivals so I thought I'd post this "early work" from T. Lynn ("June") Mikeska which has gone viral about a million times over, so much so that it has gotten the keyboard cat treatment... in case you enjoy that sort of thing.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

More festival news!

The film will play in the Atlanta Film Festival, April 15-23rd!

Also, lead actress T. Lynn Mikeska can be seen in another short film, "The Last Thing She Wanted," playing the Boston Underground Film Festival March 25-April 1!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Questions, Answered!

Don here. Some of you probably have questions about 'The Ballad of Friday and June'- well be prepared to have them answered!* Above. Up there. The video box.



* Unless your question is when can I see the movie? They don't answer that one, because these people, the question people, they saw the movie.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mention on Film Festival Secrets

We've been mentioned on Chris Holland's Film Festival Secrets blog. Basically, he says "these guys are awesome and are way better at video blogging than you could ever hope to be. Go ahead and try, but don't get your hopes up."

For real. That's what it says.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Travels through the blizzard


Lynn and I did not die on our trip. But we did have an epic adventure. Let's start at the beginning.

First, we left Oxford.

Then, we got stuck in a traffic jam due to a BLIZZARD.

It only got worse as we drove on.

But, after sixteen hours of driving, we made it back.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Safe at last...

Hey everybody. Lynn and I are back in Austin after driving through a BLIZZARD.

Seriously. A BLIZZARD. We were stupid and didn't check the weather before leaving, and headed back the same direction we came. Had we checked the weather, we could have told our GPS to use an alternate route, perhaps one that avoided the BLIZZARD.

But, sixteen straight hours of driving later, we're here. There are lots of videos, but YouTube is being problematic right now. I'm very tired and will deal with it in the morning.

The Snowpocalypse Reacheth Westward

I'm Rachel, and I am ALSO not on the road. And I'm not nearly as funny as Don, so there's that. BUT! (And it is an important BUT!), I've been Tate and Lynn's go-to for weather reports all day today. Because, the snowpocalypse? It found Oxford overnight and has made driving, in the immortal words of Lynn "super crappy and dangerous."

LOOK WHAT THEY DO FOR YOU. And by "you" I mean "the fabulous parties and booze found on the film festival circuit. But anyway. They're stuck inching along through the snowpocalypse with only their creative fire (and the heat) to keep 'em warm.

Expect a video or two as soon as they're back to the wonderful word of the Internet.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

OFF update - final night

One final farewell from all of our new friends!

OFF video update, day 4

A video update from day 4, with special guests Jeffrey Ruggles and Don Black of the film "Bicycle Lane"!

Potentially Shocking Update?

Don here. Again, I'm not in Oxford, so I'm picking up all my information second or third hand. But this photo posted by author Chris Holland has me very concerned. Has Friday been kidnapped? Is he going to make it to today's screening (which literally just finished a few minutes ago)? Is he playing one of those choking games that you hear about on 20/20?

I. Don't. Know.

I mean I could probably call somebody and find out, but, really, where's the fun in that?


Video Update - OFF day 3

It's day 4 already, but here's the update from Day 3.

Friday, February 5, 2010

OFF update, day 2 morning

Another video update: Day 2, morning:

And some photos from our first screening:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Video Updates - OFF day 1

A video recap of the highlights of Oxford Film Festival, Day 1. Lynn's kind of shaky with her new Flip Video, but don't judge her. She has a good heart.

First, the Czech Stop.

Then, our car broke.

Then we were at a hotel.

From Memphis to Oxford...

While Tate is busy "film festivalling" or "driving" or "sitting in the passenger seat while Lynn is driving" or whatever, I though I'd post this nice mention our Oxford screening got over at Indie Memphis' website.

They also point out several other Memphis selections that will be playing in Oxford this year including our friends Jonathan Epstein's and John Hubbel's award-winning doc. 'I am a Man: From Memphis, A Lesson in Life'.

Speaking of our friends' films, this year Oxford is also screening Todd Berger's 'The Scenesters' (Hey, it just won an award at Slamdance!) and Mark Potts' award-winning short film 'Building Imagination'.

Check them out if you're going to be at the Oxford Film Festival 2010!


Back on the Moooooove

Hey, it's my pleasure to report that the "Friday & June Rocks the South" tour is back on track and is 2 hours outside of the greater Oxford metropolitan area. Apparently videos of driving and car repairs are forthcoming later this evening.

That is all, you 3 people reading this!

A dream detoured. In Arkansas.

Lynn and I are sitting in a McDonald's in Benton, Arkansas. Did you know that they have wi-fi at McDonald's now?

We're at this one because it's next to a Firestone Complete Auto Care. This is important, because we had to take Lynn's car there. We're pretty sure that cars aren't supposed to just turn off when you're doing 65 on the Interstate.

Also, it's been raining for 600 miles!

An Update from the Road, from the Guy Not on the Road...

Look for two of these people if you're in
Oxford, then be like "hey what's up?"

Tate and Lynn are currently driving to the Oxford Film Festival for tomorrow morning's screening of 'The Ballad of Friday and June'. I, Don, am not. I'm holding down the fort here in Austin. Like, in case someone shows up and says "hey, any puppet musicals in here?" I can go "yeah, this one."

Anyway, by my calculations Tate and Lynn should be approaching the Atlantic Ocean any minute now (Oxford, England, right?), fortunately they're riding in Lynn's car/boat-hybrid vehicle which she received from the same top-secret government program which gave her her "super powers." I put that in quotes because I don't consider being able to swim well a super-power, it's like, you're just good at swimming, lots of people are, even like little kids and stuff...

Well anyway, long story longer, if you're at the Oxford Film Festival 2010 you should:
  1. Check out this blog often, add it to your reader, of if you're still searching the web the way people did in the 1800's you can physically type "" into your web browser hole.
  2. Look for Tate and Lynn, they'll be the ones drinking and behaving in a Rip Torn-ish way.
  3. Go watch 'The Ballad of Friday and June' tomorrow (Friday) and/or Sunday, it's screening before the feature film 'Bicycle Lane'.
Okay. Bye.


Oxford Film Festival

It's 4:30 in the morning and we're about to leave for Oxford, Mississippi; the film is playing there this weekend as part of the Oxford Film Festival! Lynn and I will be posting here to keep you updated about the trip, the fest, and the people we meet.

Also, Friday is excited because he gets to come this time.